Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Scheer - Infliction

Year: 1996
Label: 4AD
Style: Alt. Rock/Shoegazer
Location: The 99 Cent Store
Medium: CD
Condition: New (sealed)
Dollar diamond or dud: Diamond

Info: I always thought that the back of the local 99 Cent Store was filled with Muzak rejects and soft jazz abortions, not well-regarded mid-'90s rock from a label that boasts the likes of indie heroes such as The Birthday Party, The Pixies, and the Cocteau Twins. I also wasn't expecting something like this based on the cover art that would be more fitting on some kind of nu-metal/aggro-rock disaster. Instead, Scheer is a noisy female-fronted alt. rock band that sounds like something that would result from the Cranberries and Swervedriver fucking (i.e. big ass guitars anchoring some fairly catchy hooks, Irish accent-inflected singing, and a bit of jangle below all that distortion and foot-triggered atmospherics). Anyway, this was their debut full-length for the label before "contractual disagreements" pushed them off 4AD and their follow-up back to '00 (I've heard, although I can't confirm, that the breathy Audrey Gallagher sang techno in the meantime. That's a mighty cred-crumbler). With this one, though, the band saw some chart time with two singles and even had a couple of videos that you can see down below. This, of course, makes it even harder to figure out why this was sitting near the bottom of a decaying box in a place that'll sell you English Leather cologne ("musk" scented, even) for a penny less than a paper Washington; especially since this is pretty decent.


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